Classified Ad Form

Classified ads are a great way to reach our member dentists and/or their staff, whether you're posting a job, selling a practice, or posting your resume.

Posting an ad is FREE for ISDA/ADA members (excepting dentists acting as third-parties for selling or hiring) and $75 for non-members. Payment must be received and processed before the ad posting will go live.

Classified ads will remain posted for 3 months unless you let us know to take it down earlier. If you would like it extended longer than 3 months, please just let the ISDA know at, which may incur additional fees for non-members.

For the ISDA office's use only:

First & Last

For your classified ad:

MUST be unique to the contents of your listing to avoid repeated URLs or we cannot publish your ad. Just job title and city is NOT a sufficient option.

Please provide contact information for those interested: