Idaho Dental Foundation
Vision Statement
The Idaho Dental Foundation improves the oral health of Idaho’s underserved citizens.
Mission Statement
The Idaho Dental Foundation supports improved oral health for Idaho's under-served citizens through access to care and education.
The Idaho Dental Foundation was formed as a tax exempt 501(c)(3) corporation in June 2006. The fourteen Board of Directors, President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer are unpaid volunteers who meet twice a year and represent all seven dental societies in Idaho. This allows the board to gain local information from each district to guide them in supporting oral health efforts statewide. The IDF board is committed to the most efficient use of its donor’s charitable dollars for oral health in the state of Idaho.
The IDF partners with dentists, community health districts, businesses, other foundations, and government leaders to improve oral health statewide through education and service. It addresses oral health needs by following a community impact model. As a geographically diverse state, Idaho has different needs from region to region. Having regional goals defined by local foundation board members allows statewide resources to team with local community efforts. This grass roots effort creates positive momentum allowing initial funding to transition to long term efforts by regional foundation agencies.
This foundation is a nonprofit cooperation exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes; including-but not limited to the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the Idaho Dental Foundation are voluntary and fully tax deductible.
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