Give Kids a Smile
What is Give Kids a Smile (GKAS)?
This critical volunteer program provides care to kids around Idaho. With the help of programs like Idaho’s, nearly 300,000 underserved children received much needed oral health services throughout the U.S. in 2022. This program is meant only for children without any sort of coverage and kids under 18 years old. If your office would like to volunteer this year you can provide a waiver for parents to sign to avoid any confusion around these qualifying parameters.
What is expected of a GKAS volunteer?
The only expectation of a GKAS visit is a cleaning and basic oral health education - fillings and further work are at your discretion. You can refer children out for further work. We encourage specialists to sign-up for referrals.
Where do I start?
This year your office has complete control of your Give Kids a Smile experience!. Simply create a login from the Give Kids a Smile event page, create your GKAS event and the ADA will e-mail with further such as ordering supplies. create your GKAS event and the ADA will e-mail with further GKAS updates. gkas.ada.org/sign-up. You can see all GKAS appointments in one dedicated day or you can add the appointments into openings throughout your schedule. The product request deadline has passed but you can still sign up for the program as long as you do so before February.
How do we get the word out about our event?
The ISDA will keep a list of the offices signed up to share with anyone who calls our office. We suggest sharing online, contacting local school or school districts, e-mails and/or flyers. There is an abundance of resources and templets in the Give Kids a Smile Toolkit
Reporting your GKAS data
Please remember reporting your data after completion of the program is ESSENTIAL. You can find more information in the Toolkit and report your date HERE.
Please reach out with any questions.
For questions related directly to the GKAS website/ login/ supplies, etc. please email gkas@ada.org.
Create your event today!
Already signed up? Login Here