
The ISDA and our components host a series of events throughout the year. For further information please see a list of our related pages below:

Join us for our biggest events of the year!

North Idaho Conference

Annual Session

Calendar of Events

Online Event Registration

Legislative Dinners

Continuing Education

Event Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

Speaker Submission

Event Planning Form 

The ISDA would love to assist in the marketing of your event! 

Please complete the below information for each CE and applicable meeting. This information helps the IDSA create an invitation to your event.  Please fill out as thoroughly as possible. 

Event planning forms need to be summitted at least 1 months prior to your event but the earlier the better.  Please note that without this advanced notification the ISDA staff cannot guarantee all or even any of the above listed assistance.

Event Details 

Option to attach Objectives below

Option to attach Bio below

Event RSVP

Attendee RSVP
For monthly meetings our typical notice cadence is 1 month before mailing, 2 weeks before text, 1 week before reminder email, 1 day or 2 before text. Please let us know if you need/want something different.